Whale Journeys
When whales migrate to the breeding grounds tourists watch for signals of them, which are their spouts. The whales mate at Mexican lagoons. The new born baby whales must train to go on the long journey back to the Arctic. Females nurse the calves because they need to gain blubber for their journey. When […]
Quad Wordalities
What a wonderful blog activity sponsored by Mrs. Rawlings class: Wordles! Our sixth grade “Wordalities” are here: We wrote our lists in Google Docs: what words represent our personalities, attitudes, and hobbies or intersts? We then created our Wordles. We created screenshots and uploaded them into our Wordalities Google Presentation. We also explained why we […]
Quads Think Different: Make a Universal Ding
Thank you, Mrs. Cobb and her fantastic grade seventh grade students for teaching us about introductions and conclusions. Did you hear the sounds and see the action in Sammy W‘s introduction: “Bang. ‘What the heck is that?’ I said to myself. Bang! ‘Alright, who’s there?’ A window shattered…”? Did you feel the relief in Kyle’s […]
Quad Week 2: Traveling Tricksters
Quad Blogging Week 2! Welcome students from Shorecrest Preparatory School, Humphry-Davy School, and Brigantine Middle School! Please join Week 2 of our conversations! In Week 1, Shorecrest Preparatory School stirred our imaginations as we reflected on reading and great books. Now, miles apart, even continents apart — we are blank postcards to one another. […]
Internet Safety: 4 Tips if Cyberbullied
What happens if you are cyberbullied? What should you do? Cyberbullying is when someone contacts you online or includes online content about you that is mean, threatening, or hurtful. Always tell a trusted adult.1. Ignore it. Don’t respond. 2. Save the evidence (text message, IM, Facebook page, etc.). Take a screenshot, if possible. 3. Tell […]
Earth Day 2011
April 22, 2011 EARTH DAY Our school participated in the Earth Day Celebration sponsored by the Colville Confederated Tribes. Grades 1-3 attended as well as the Eaglet Dancers with their teacher, Ms. Terrie Sanger. Enjoy reading this for Class Blogging Challenge for Earth Day 2011: Students and staff created a banner for the event: Back […]
Welcome New Teacher Bloggers
Welcome new bloggers…