Quads Think Different: Make a Universal Ding

Thank you, Mrs. Cobb and her fantastic grade seventh grade students for teaching us about introductions and conclusions.

Did you hear the sounds and see the action in Sammy W‘s introduction:
“Bang. ‘What the heck is that?’ I said to myself. Bang! ‘Alright, who’s there?’ A window shattered…”?

Did you feel the relief in Kyle’s cool moves in his conclusion: “I drop to the ground and the birds can’t react in time. They finish themselves off, and I am still alive…”?

Better take time to read them again, and add your own short stories with the focus introductions and conclusions.

I hope you also read the tribute to Steve Jobs in Mrs. Cobb’s post, Think Different.

It’s true. I’m a Mac fan, and the passing of Steve Jobs while sad, still leaves me with a dream:

that the people of the world can still Think Different.

To continue that dream, I’d like to share another phrase from this amazing man: “I want to put a ding in the universe.” – Macstories.net

It’s true that he has put quite a “ding” in the universe, but we can each do that each day in small ways to make the day a better one for someone else.  For instance, I try to greet or compliment as many people as I can in the hallway each morning. So many of us start the day rushed, so if I can share a smile or a word in the morning, maybe that will help those people’s day be better. It’s a small “ding,” but I think it helps.

How about you? If you could put a helpful “ding” in the universe, what would that be? What small thing could you do for your family or friends that puts a smile — a little ding– in the universe each day?

Now, if you can’t think of anything, how about sharing how someone made your day better? What do you appreciate about what someone has done to help you? I could say, I appreciate my neighbor teacher, Mr. Johnson, who frequently stops by to make sure we are working on similar projects and objectives. He could just go his own way, but for the kids, he’s willing to check in and work together. I appreciate that.

So: please take a moment to plan a “ding” in the universe or to appreciate one:

1. What small thing could you do for your family or friends that puts a smile — a little ding– in the universe each day?
2. What do you appreciate about what someone has done to help you?

Put a ding in the universe and Think Different.

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179 Responses

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  1. Charlotte October 12, 2011 at 4:56 pm |

    1. What small thing could you do for your family or friends that puts a smile — a little ding– in the universe each day?

    At the begining of each school day, I make sure that all my friends are okay. For example, if my friend is upset I try to make them feel better.


2. What do you appreciate about what someone has done to help you?

    Whenever I’m about to have a big test, my parents help me by packing my lunch and helping with my chores. Also, my sister helps me by quizing me on what I need to know.

  2. Brent October 12, 2011 at 5:22 pm |

    One thing that I can do to make my family happy is if I’m happy. When I am happy my family is happy. If I am sad my family is sad. We all feel each others emotions. If I could make my friends happy I would sit with them at lunch or when they are sad I can make them feel better by cracking a joke. I don’t like it when my friends are sad or upset. I like it when everybody is happy.

    1. ben (hds) October 13, 2011 at 1:39 am |

      if i am sad my family makes me feel better

  3. Kevin R October 12, 2011 at 5:54 pm |

    I could clean around the house or take out the garbage or even walk my dog.

    I appreciate when someone is kind to me and says good job when i do something good

  4. Naomi October 12, 2011 at 5:59 pm |

    Putting a ding in someone’s day can be really easy. Some ways I make my family happy is by making them laugh. I also make my mom happy by doing small things like setting the table for dinner. My mom makes me happy by waking me up and setting out my clothes for me in the morning. Sometimes she makes my lunch, too. That really helps me save time and starts my day well.

  5. Will October 12, 2011 at 6:34 pm |

    Putting a “ding” in someone’s day can be a very simple thing that many people don’t do. I wouldn’t mind doing a chore or two for my mom as she’s very busy. I cold also hold the door open at school or help people out with their homework. It doesn’t have to be anything that the person would remember, it just has to put a little smile on their face.

  6. Dan October 13, 2011 at 1:27 am |

    You can make a ding in the universe, if you own a giant bell.

    1. ED@HDS October 13, 2011 at 1:34 am |

      yeah that is one way to make a ding in the universe:)

    2. ben (hds) October 13, 2011 at 1:35 am |

      its funny

    3. immy(hds) October 13, 2011 at 1:38 am |

      i have a giant bell

    4. Angel(Brigantine) October 13, 2011 at 4:53 pm |

      HaHa,i can agree on that,that makes so much sense and it’s true.

  7. ollie(hds) October 13, 2011 at 1:29 am |

    Being treated with respect and kindness puts a ding in my day

  8. ben (hds) October 13, 2011 at 1:31 am |

    being in year 8 is 10 times as good as year 7. because youre not the young ones any more.

    i like the DING

    its in the nice to ding universe.

  9. mike HDS October 13, 2011 at 1:33 am |

    I make universal “dings” by just being kind. Complimenting peoples achivements and awesome things they do, Helping people if they need it and lending a hand to those in need.

  10. immy(hds) October 13, 2011 at 1:34 am |

    hi try and make each other ding online

  11. jowan hds October 13, 2011 at 1:36 am |

    i like to make dings in the universe by helping freinds and family with home work and tidying up. i also like to give people food or money if they dont have any lunch or even just make someone laugh. i cant wait to make people ding on christmas day

  12. Dan (HDS) October 13, 2011 at 1:40 am |

    it’s nice to have a ding in your day,and it’s nice to put a ding in someone’s day.

  13. Olivia R October 13, 2011 at 2:53 am |

    It’s very easy to put a ding in someone’s day. Each day I make breakfast for my brother and I. This makes my mom happy because then she doesn’t have to do it. I put a ding in my friends’ day by making them laugh. When a person holds the door for me and gives me a smile, it puts a ding in my day.

  14. Avis (HDS) October 13, 2011 at 6:47 am |

    Was it really only a few years ago that Pluto was said to not be a planet? And is it true that there are some golf balls on the moon? Open your eyes to the stars and who knows what you could see? Lets make a DING in the universe?

  15. Chris (Shorecrest) October 13, 2011 at 1:31 pm |

    2. Today our golf team had a practice round, as we do every Thursday. I have been playing somewhat poorly in the past few weeks, but I wanted to turn everything around. As I thought about my first shot, one of my playing partners, a younger player named Luke, told me that today would be my day. I enjoyed the encouragement, but I was still nervous. Luke almost always has a smile, and he is a very positive kid. It was odd, but he continued to tell me that it was my day throughout the round. He did not play great, but I went on to shoot a six-over 33, one stroke more than my best round ever on this course. Luke’s encouragement helped me to be more confident, and that changed my whole round outlook. He made a true ding in my world today.

  16. Katherine (sps) October 13, 2011 at 3:17 pm |

    It is easy to put a ding in anybody’s day. I always love to make my family smile. It puts a ding in my mom’s day when I help unload and load the dishwasher. I also try to put a ding in my friends’ day by telling them good job, or even giving a little high-five. I appreciate it when my mom helps me study for quizzes and tests. Try putting a ding in someone’s life today.

  17. Shannon October 13, 2011 at 3:18 pm |

    I try to put a little “ding” in my family and friends’ day by trying to make them laugh or smile. When someone is down, I try to cheer them up or help them out. I also try to do little things like asking about someone’s day. When my mom and dad congatulate me in my academics or arts, or when they listen to me sing or practice lines, it puts a “ding” in my day.

    1. Angel(Brigantine) October 13, 2011 at 4:37 pm |

      Same thing here to me especialy the part about saying hows someone day.

  18. Courtney C. (SPS) October 13, 2011 at 3:59 pm |

    One small thing that I do for my family that puts a little ding in the universe each day is helping Jackie, my younger sister, with her first grade “homework.” She is currently learning how to read and takes many “spelling tests.” When I quiz her on her spelling words or help her read a book, I feel like a good sister. She is always very appreciative of me working with her, and so is my mom. My mom is happy that I can help her out. While I am quizzing my sister, my mom can do other things. This is what I do for my family that puts a ding in the universe each day.

    My mom puts a ding in my day. When she wakes me up in the morning, I like to do a little studying, eat breakfast, and get dressed/ready for school. While I am doing this, she packs me a nice, healthy lunch. I appreciate this little act of kindness so much because if she didn’t do this for me, I would have to get school lunch. Also, if she didn’t pack me my lunch, I would have to pack, and I wouldn’t be able to do my morning routine. Her act of kindness puts a huge smile on my face, and a ding in my day!

  19. Angel(Brigantine) October 13, 2011 at 4:34 pm |

    Well what i do to cheer up my family and day is to first pray for them beacause there the shoulder to cry on when your hurt. Also i would pray for them because there the only ones you can rely on. There the ones who took care of you since birth.
    The thing that i apprciate most about someone helping you with some thing is that it shows politeness and it has “The Golden Rule” in which mean that to teat others as the way you want to be treated. For example:if you help that person, next time that person will return a favor by helping you.

  20. Angel(Brigantine) October 13, 2011 at 4:40 pm |

    Its really nice to make up someones day,because later you need someone or something that says to you to having a good day and you just like “thanks,that made my day”.

  21. Henry October 13, 2011 at 5:16 pm |

    Putting a ding in someone’s life can be really easy, and very satisfying. One way that I want to “ding” my family’s world is by making them laugh, and making the world just a little bit brighter through humor. This makes the world just a little bit brighter, something that I know that I appreciate. Also, I appreciate many things that people have done for me, but none greater than the countless times that Jordan bails me out on homework. Every day in math class, I forget to write the problems down, and only the page number. But, every time, Jordan helps by pulling out his agenda and telling me the exact problems. Putting or receiving a ding is very gratifying and helpful, so I will try to put more of them in people’s lives.

  22. Jack H October 14, 2011 at 6:36 am |

    1. If I could do one thing to make someone fell better or put a ding in the universe it would be, to not be mean to people. When some people are being mean to them disagree and defend them.

    2. Something someone has done to me that is nice was from lots of people. It is nice when you drop something on your way to class and then someone walks by and picks it. That is also another little thing that could help people.

  23. SammyW October 14, 2011 at 7:17 am |

    1. Something I do to help out is to mow my grandmother’s lawn and to help out at here shop. My grandfather is ill so she has to take of him, so I help out by mowing the lawn and cooking, sweeping, etc.

    2. Something that I realley appreciated was when I was in fith grade, I broke my ankle and I was crutch bound. People would always offer to carry my books and binders to class even though it looked like they already had to much stuff to carry. I realley appreciated that!

  24. Jake M. October 14, 2011 at 7:57 am |

    I think the best thing you could do is to listen. People need to express an share their feelings. I think being a friend is about listening and understanding the feelings of others. I know when I am a better listener towards others relationships are stronger.

    I appreciate my dad for taking the extra time with helping me with my football techinque. I know how hard my dad works but he always makes extra time to help me when I need it. I will always appreciate my dad.

  25. Chase R. October 14, 2011 at 8:55 am |

    Everyday I can take out the trash so my parents don’t have to. I can also help others if they need help with their homework. These are simple things that can make people happy.

    I appreciate my mom and dad helping me deal with my busy schedule. They drop what they are doing so I can get to friend’s houses and get to my tennis lessons.

  26. Sam (Shorecrest) October 14, 2011 at 9:14 am |

    I could help my mom with whatever she is doing and I could do things that I know need to be done and do them before being asked. The one thing that I’m grateful for is whenever I’m upset my family makes me laugh and that cheers me up. That puts a “ding” in my day.

  27. Channing October 14, 2011 at 10:31 am |

    To help my family out I could take out the trash and walk the dog everyday. When someone holds the door for me is something I really like when people do. It makes me put a smile on my face and I say “thank you so much.”

  28. Isabella October 14, 2011 at 10:38 am |

    I can put a ding in the universe by being kind, empathetic, caring, and supportive to my friends and family. When a friend is distraught over something, I always listen to their problem and help in finding a solution and put a smile on their face.

  29. Camille October 14, 2011 at 10:39 am |

    Something that could make my friends and family happy is making them laugh. When I take the trash out or do laundry, it makes my mom happy. Something that makes me happy is when someone makes me laugh or smile. Also when someone does something for me. If someone holds the door for me or something it else, it shows that they care about me and it makes me smile.

  30. vinick October 14, 2011 at 12:06 pm |

    I can help my family.
    I will do my chores like clean the dishes or vacuum the living room or do the laundry,that could let my
    parents rest more and make them more happier. After getting done with my chores, I could play video games or play with the cat, then when laundry’s done I’ll fold them and put them away.

    I also might need a little more sleep in my hours and I should also rest more in the evening and relax.

    My grade’s might need some improving too, the grade’s in my math are bad, so I need to spend more time working and less time goofing off like playing with pencil or tape.

    With this story, my family might be proud of me:)

    1. vinick October 17, 2011 at 11:40 am |

      I will do more chores by cleaning the dishes or vacuum the living room and do the laundry and fold them and put them away, that could make my parents happy and could relax in peace.when I get done putting the cloths in the dryer and watch TV and wait for the cloths to get done.My sleep hasn’t been getting any better to lately and I should get more sleep at night.The grades in class are a little okay, so I need to get more better at school and less goofing off in class!

  31. Kyle H. October 14, 2011 at 1:13 pm |

    One thing I can do to put a smile on other people faces is to help them. Whenever someone is carrying something heavy like a lot of books, I can help them by carrying some of the books. Another way is to just be in a good mood. When you’re in a good mood, other people usually are happy, too.
    Something other people can do for me is help me when I need it. If I don’t have a piece of paper, and someone gives me some paper, that just makes my feel good.

  32. Zack October 14, 2011 at 2:14 pm |

    Our lives are complicated and stressful enough as they are. A little help from someone else is always appreciated. In order to help my friends and family, I could always be supportive and helpful in times of need. Times come up when a loved one dies, when something tragic happens, or when someone is just not in the best mood that people need comfort. I will help others get through what is making their lives difficult.

    I find it very nice and helpful when a friend of mine helps me study for a test or send me a study guide that they made. Tests and quizzes are always stressful, so having some help makes me feel much more relieved and prepared for the grade. Life is not always great, so put a ding in someone else’s life, and hopefully they will return the favor.

  33. Cameron October 14, 2011 at 2:21 pm |

    One little thing I could do that would make my mom and dad happy everyday, is to walk the dog without them having to tell me. And not fighting with my sister about dishes.

    Also to answer the second question. Something people do for me that make me happy during the days is just being nice and caring on a conversation.

  34. enmo61 October 17, 2011 at 9:38 am |

    How can I put a “ding” in the universe? I can put a “ding” in the universe by helping my family. Three ways I can help is by feeding the cats, doing the dishes, and helping keep my room clean. I don’t do either of them cause it wastes my valuable time. Mean while I can sleep in longer and not even worry about it. Every morning my brother gets up and takes a shower but when he comes up to my room he just throws his clothes on the ground. Instead of putting them in the basket on his bed. I can pick them up and remind him to put them in there but i think it would take to long. Another thing I can do is do my homework at the after school program. If i waited till I get home I would get in trouble cause its really late when I get back from practice every day.

  35. tish October 17, 2011 at 1:39 pm |

    My friends really put a “ding” in my universe by helping me! I can really depend on them to be there when ‘m down. For example when I’m playing Volleyball and I don’t make the serve over the net Lachelle and Mysti are always right there encouraging me by telling me to not drag myself down. Also they help me when I’m sad by motivating me or making me laugh by telling me jokes. ” Thanks Guys!” I say to my friends. I always feel better when they put a little “ding” in my universe.

  36. may October 18, 2011 at 1:35 pm |

    What a great job you did Charmayne! I can make a ”ding” in the universe by cleaning my mom’s house well part of it not all of it.I would clean it so they won’t be mad at me for not having a clean house when they both get back from work. The other thing that I would do to put a ”ding” in the universe is pick up my mom’s yard and pick up all the toys and garbage that there is in the yard that people make. Image the house being sparkly clean because I did pick up the yard. The yard would look way better than it did when it was dirty.Having a clean yard would be great, but if it’s dirty then people would think that you are dirty with everything and never clean when they drive by your house. Mom says she loves what I did to the house; She would say thank You. I say your Welcome for what I did today before you got home from work.

  37. tatin October 18, 2011 at 1:39 pm |

    I can put a ding in the universe by helping my mom and dad by getting up in the morning to get ready for school and trips . But when I get back so I can clean the house… to be continued…

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