Are you anxious to blog? Are you wondering how to start?
Think about it: you blog so others will learn from and share your ideas. Someone might add to your ideas. This happens through commenting. Think how excited you were when our mentors commented on our wiki. Just like everything else we do, if we want something, we need to give something.
So our challenge as beginning bloggers is to give comments to those blogs we read. If we want comments, we’ve got to give some. But what is a good comment?
A blog comment is your footprint…
a path back to you…
prepare your path wisely.
A great blog comment ?
How to write one:
• What’s the best part of blogging?
• Comments !
Let’s practice the best strategies for blogging by writing great comments.
1. Be safe. Be kind. Provide no personal information and always be overly positive and kind. Remember our Netiquette.
2. Read a post. Make a connection. While reading a blog and its comments, think about what you like, what you connect with. What idea most interested you? Be sure to read the other comments so you don’t repeat what someone has already said or asked. What was well-written and what ideas did you like? On what can you compliment the author? And, what can you add (see Number 4).
3. Write a comment. Write it like a letter.
Hi ___[author name]___.
[Your Content– see next tip–4.]
Thank you.
4. Share a compliment. Share a connection. Appreciate something specific. Compliment the idea, image, or other part you liked. Put it in quotes. Add new ideas with your connection (agree, disagree, experience, idea, link, question). Add the idea you considered — your connection, agreement, disagreement (Although your idea is interesting, I’d like to add another side…). Do you have a link to share? an image? a question? How will you say it kindly?
5. Check your ideas. Make them flow. Read your comment aloud to yourself; do the ideas flow one to another? Does it make sense?
6. State your ideas and opinions only. Write nothing personal. Review our Internet safety rules for keeping private and personal information off the internet. Netiquette
7. Check spelling. Check punctuation. Edit your writing for spelling, punctuation, grammar, format so you are readable and believable, BEFORE you submit.
8. Give one. Get one. If you get a comment, be sure to comment back.
Remember: like handwriting, your comment represents you!
What path will you take to write great comments? Which step to commenting do you think is the most important? Write a comment explaining the step or steps to commenting you think are most important. Have we forgotten anything?
I would check my spelling cause I don’t want people to think that I’m a bad speller. I think we should give good ideas to people’s comments.
Sekine, This may be a duplicate comment; sorry, if it is. Thanks for mentioning spelling. You’re right about that one — correct spelling helps people read your ideas faster, and faster reading helps the brain put the ideas together to understand them. You added an important idea, “give good ideas to people’s comments.” You are so right; when we read others’ blogs, we need to read the comments, too so we don’t repeat what others have already said. Your idea is to comment on a comment — that keeps the conversation moving and adds even more ideas to the one started by the author of the blog post. Instead of sitting around the fire sharing ideas, we’re “sitting around the world.” Wowser! Thanks for adding this idea. What do the rest of you think?
The path I will take is to share blogs with other kids and make new friends. I think the most important steps are share your own ideas and check your spelling at the end. I think they are the most important because you are supposed to share your own ideas. No we didn’t forget any thing
Enmo, Thanks for answering all the questions from the blog. You have chosen a good path to walk: sharing with others and making friends. You chose “share your own ideas” to help you do that. Spelling is always important. Thanks for your answer.
When your commenting on someones blog you have to be kind. You also have to be safe you should not give out personal things. Always be overly positive. Always say thank you when some one comments on your blog. Don’t forget to check for missed spelled words be for you post your comment.
When you’re commenting on someone’s blog, you have to be kind. You also have to be safe; you should not give out personal things. Always be overly positive. Always say thank you when someone comments on your blog. Don’t forget to check for misspelled words before you post your comment.
Lamjo, Thanks for noticing so many important blogging guidelines (be kind, be safe, no personals, positive, thank you, spelling). I hope you remember all of these when you comment and blog. Thanks again.
When I comment i would make sure it makes sense , check my spelling ,also write something i like and something they should do to make it better.
Loudy, I like that you understand that your comment needs to “make sense,” and that spelling is important. The person to whom you are commenting will like that you write “something I like” and “something they should do to make it better.” If I were to edit your comment, I would change it a little bit: “When I comment I would make sure it makes sense and check my spelling. In addition, I would write something I like from the blog and something the blogger could do to make it better.” It’s better to user shorter sentences than longer ones in comments.
The path that I will take is to make sure that I spell correctly.Also that I make sense and that I keep the reader entertained.
Rista, I can tell you read the commenting guidelines and understand how important it is to be clear (“make sense”) and correct (“spell correctly”). Thank you!
thank you for all the good and helpful info. I will be sure to check my spelling and punctuation. Now with all of this good information I will be a better writer. And i have more knowledge and it will help me in all of my writing skills!
Tish, Spelling and punctuation are important. What you comment on someone’s blog, how what you write in your comment help the blog author? Thanks
Now that I know what to do and what not to do when blogging I would like to thank you so much for helping me with blogging. Now I know what I could say or should say! Thank you so much! 😀
Aly, I’m glad you know what to do. But since you didn’t tell me exactly, I’m not really sure you do know. Would you please answer the question at the end of the blog post?
What path will you take to write great comments? Which step to commenting do you think is the most important? Write a comment explaining the step or steps to commenting you think are most important. Have we forgotten anything?
I think the most important step is correct spelling, grammar. If it didn’t it would not make sense. Then we would confuse the readers.
Quill, Yes! We want people to read our ideas, we don’t to do, as you say, “confuse the readers.” And editing is very important so your ideas “make sense.” Good points. 🙂
The great path to write a great comments is to answer the questions that are given. Also make sure i check my spelling and read it over to check if it makes sense and is spelled write before I submit….
Kimy, Yes, be sure to answer the questions that the bloggers ask! They are asking for your input, so let them know in polite ways what you think. And, of course, edit your work before submitting. 🙂
I will make sure I spell all my words right.I think the most important step to commenting is to read other peoples comments to get a clue.
Rex, you have mentioned an important point: reading the blog AND the comments helps to clarify the ideas, or as you say — “to get a clue.” And you don’t want to repeat what someone else says, you want to give new ideas! Thanks for helping us remember that step: read the comments of others to “get a clue.” 🙂
when I blog since I read the blogging tips above I now know how to blog
now I know how to blog =)
Rickle, I still need you to answer, “What path will you take to write great comments? Which step to commenting do you think is the most important? Write a comment explaining the step or steps to commenting you think are most important. Have we forgotten anything? “
The path I would like to take to be a great blogger is to learn how to and I would reread the blog.I want to be really good so I get good comment from other bloggers.
Run, Your choice of “reread the blog” is very important. We want to make sure we understand what the author is saying before we comment. Thank you.
All’s I want to say is that I would check my grammar,spelling,punctuation. Every thing we have should be right like checking you’re grammar,spelling,punctuation all that stuff you should check every time you get done doing something like writing,typing. But when you want to blog you should read every single step or steps there is for blogging. Good Bye(:
May, editing your work with punctuation and spelling corrections helps your reader to easily read your work. With errors, your reading will work too hard to know what you are saying, and they may even give up. Thanks for reminding us to go back to “check every time.” 🙂
The path that I will take to write great comments is the kind that has good punctuation and spelling, also that says good things about peoples stories. I think the most important step in commenting is 6. You should always be sure to keep your personal life out of your stories or anything because my teacher said, ” who ever your friend is today, might not be your friend tomorrow. No I do not think you have forgotten anything at all. All of the things that are there are really important and I can not think of anymore so I think you did get everything. 😀
Aly, Thank you for carefully explaining the important steps of good commenting. You have reminded us of another “most important” point: leave out personal and private information. We want to share ideas, but not our private lives. You also mentioned editing skills, which help the reader easily read your comments. I also like that you included “says good things about people’s stories.” We want to encourage people to explain and share their ideas, and not say anything that may hurt or harm their feelings. Since readers can’t “hear” our tone of voice, they can’t tell whether our words are for fun or not. So, it’s better to be overly positive. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Mrs. Edwards, Yes! spelling and punctuation are very important. So since i want to be better blogger I want to learn how to leave nice comments. So when I leave a comment i want to make sure I make sence and do not say anything rude or mean. Also i will tell them nicely what they should fix and what i liked about there blog. So over all i will be kind when I leave a comment =D
Tish, Thanks for mentioning our number one expectation : “Be Kind.” It’s one of our 5Bs, and it sure makes the world a better place! “Make sense” is another excellent idea, and finally, edit your work to make it correct. Thanks for your reminders of what is important. 🙂
Also Thank You for all the blogging information. An I want to have the reader understand my blogging answer. You also want to check you’re self so you don’t put personal stuff on the computer,laptop, just whatever you have with you don’t put it on Internet because it won’t delete if you ever tried to delete it!
May, you have helped us understand an important fact about the Internet and using online resources: every thing is public and permanent. You can’t delete it. Think about it. If you send something by email or text, or if you comment on someone’s blog, those are no longer private. The person who receives it has control and can keep it or spread it. So part of our internet safety is to watch our words, watch our footprints, and watch our attitude: be overly positive so we honor the dignity of ourselves and others. Thanks for this important reminder. 🙂
what is up the path ill take is to spell words right and speak clearly when i talk to people.
“What is up the path I’ll take is to spell words right and write clearly when I write to people.”
Rees, Remember that in blogging we mostly write. We may be able to create talking Voki’s later. Thank you for thinking about what is important.
I will take the path in which I am supposed to take. I think not giving any personal information. I will do what I am supposed to do in the blog world. I will keep all personal information personal. I will always use spell check before I submit anything. Lastly I will follow all the steps that i will need to follow if necessary.
Ryal, You have created a great idea: “the blog world!” That’s a great way to put it. You have mentioned personal information, spell check, and following the steps. Good points. Thanks.
the path I will take is the right one. I will comment nicely whenever someone comments me back. I will say thank you and hi when I start my comment because I don’t want them to think that I’m mean. I will also not give out a any personal information.
Elbe, You have suggested a great idea: to start with “Hi” and give a “Thank you” because that is common courtesy. It sets the tone of politeness. Thanks !
I would check my self because it would not set a good example for my blogs and make me fill a little disorganized
Rojo, so by “check m self,” do you mean grammar, punctuation, and spelling? Do you also mean to write clearly, so your sentences and ideas are organized? I think that is what you mean. Great points!
Hello I’m a regular student at my school and I don’t give out personal information to people like hackers or SPAM. I love to type on the computer any time on any day.:)(:
Vinick, You bring up another important point — kids do love working on the computer. That is one of the reasons we blog — to learn how to blog safely and how to participate as citizens in the online world.
Here I am again! Learning about the rules to blogging or reasons to it. But I was just reading some reasons what not to put on blogs. I was like o.k now I know not to put any thing on any Internet site personal. So now I tell my friends not to put any thing personal on because it won’t get deleted off of there. Thanks!!!!!!
May, thanks for checking back again to be certain you know what to do. Thanks for encouraging your friends, also, to keep personal information out of any Internet work, even if it isn’t part of school. I appreciate all the effort you have taken to be safe, serious, yet sensational at blogging!
The path to writing a good comment is to Be Safe, and to Be Kind. Make connections ,write your comment like a letter, share compliments and connections, check ideas, state ideas, check spelling, and don’t share anything personal. That goes with being safe. The best step for commenting is to Be Safe.
Thank You
Ania, I like how you repeated “Be Safe” because that is the most important part — even being kind helps you be safe. Kindness spreads kindness. Thank you for your thoughtful in your response.