Chaotic Technology fight

I am writing to you to tell you that we should have computers in our school. We use technology to research on. We have many sites such as documents and many many more different neat and exciting things on here. I am very grateful for our school to get computers, without the computers it would take longer if we read books and didn’t blog.

Our middle school uses computers and often iPads to write on our online journals or many different sites that are useful to our education. Our writing and reading teacher Ms.Edwards has us on blogs and mynsdeagles also. We write our documents on When we blog we write our opinions, what we learned, or even what we wrote in our journals that needs to be typed up and shared. We have many sites, for example documents, and many many more different neat and exciting things on here. I am very grateful for our school to get computers.

My school has a lot of computers and it is required for students to work so why not work on the computer and type, that’s where you can have fun and type. In my opinion typing is way funner and neater than writing.If I wrote down my letters and and other work fast then it would be sloppy but, if you typed it, it would be neat even if you typed fast. In math we usually use a smart board and write the answers to our homework and write notes on it in class, and in social studies our teacher puts what we have to do for the period, and writing we use smart boards to tell us what our tasks are.

So I think YES, we should use technology in school. Technology is useful and comes in handy when we need it like when we type letters or something. When I write sometimes, I will express my opinion and how I feel or what I read about. I am very grateful for our school to get computers. Technology helps people learn without even knowing it.

Do you think your class should keep technology?


rover.jpg - Portable computers set up in a classroom


Image Source: Carey, Chris. rover.jpg. 1999. Pics4Learning. 2 Feb 2012 <>\

I got this picture from pics 4 projects


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